Monday, September 8, 2008


It's not the 21st of September. But it's fall alright.
I know.
I went to Ithaca on Saturday with some friends, just to see what kind of adventures we would find there. We saw lots of hippies, hiked up waterfalls, swam under the waterfalls, listened to music, went to a skatepark, and laughed alot. That was summer. But the strangest thing happened when we were swimming in one of the pools in the river- it was about 6:30, getting dark, and all of the sudden there were many yellow leaves blowing all about, scattered in the dark blue pool. It smelled like fall, and it felt like fall too.
And this morning, biking to 2D design class, the trees in the quad were yellow and red.

Things happen so quickly. I get caught up in one routine, and suddenly it gets whisked away. Boarding and biking will soon be a memory. So I enjoy it as I can, board as much as I get a chance to- not complain when it is hot and sticky, and wrap this sunlight around my shoulders to keep me warm when winter comes around.

And so many things have just been so lovely recently. Skating, my apartment, a kitchen, the boys filling up my car gas tank for me, cookies, ice cream party, Val, favorite tree, Yerbe Mate tea every single day at 189, nick drake, m. ward, mason jennings, cloud cult, matt pond pa.

God is good.

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